28 July 2011
/ i approve of this description of me from this article HERE
thanks dudes at wicked-halo i appreciate the love
27 July 2011
been sleeping an awful lot the past few days. conclusion - you start living through dreams when you are asleep for long periods. strange how vivid, odd and life-like things that happen seem. also noticed that i retain a lot more details upon waking after i've slept for a long time. i find sleeping an excessive amount can actually be quite healthy if you are in the right mindset and need some type of boost. seems to have helped me out a bit
26 July 2011
just returned home from a solitary late night study session at the diner down the road. took a few of my new reference books that i haven't really looked through there and began reading/recording thoughts. i am happy to say i now have a couple directions to head in.. feeling better/more ambitious about my future work for the first time in a long time
25 July 2011
at 1am i emailed my boss and said i could no longer work. i then went to sleep. i didn't wake up fully until 130pm and i could barely move i was so stiff. realized something was wrong, called my psychiatrist for appt. called my mom to tell her, somehow started talking about pets which rekindled my desire to care for a hedgehog. finally got myself up and dressed, gathered computer to go to coffee shop. psychiatrist calls and says she can see me. i head to the subway instead of the coffee shop. get to her office, talk to her about aches and pains in my joints/body and tell her im so tired and disinterested in everything and i think something is seriously wrong. i tell her the dosage i've been taking of this one med she prescribed me and she gets very nervous - tells me it is much too high, much too rapidly. i start feeling freaked out, i can see her hands start shaking. i ask if i should go to emergency as ive been taking that dosage for 3-4 weeks. she says yes, probably. gets my dr on the phone, he says to come over straight away. leave her office in a semi-panic bc i am feeling so worn out/shitty and walk 6 blocks to my drs office. wait there for awhile. get my blood drawn, dr tells me not to worry that the blood tests will sort it out. i leave the office. begin walking around manhattan in a daze. it is pouring rain. i walk for a long time, alone. i feel like i am going to die and it is an odd sensation. i pass a chipotle and eat a salad. i leave and continue walking. for some reason i go into manhattan mall bc i walk past it and go to victorias secret. i bought some stuff, actually. went home, bought frozen yogurt on the way. curled up on my bed when i got home under my blankets with my ice cream and watched a movie. i am extremely sore and achy and fairly concerned as i can't do anything productive like sit up and edit photos. going to try and go for a walk now..... why is almost everything so confusing lately?
21 July 2011

/ very honored to have had one of my images selected for publication in 'a book of beds' put together by international photography publication FOAM magazine which is published quarterly by Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam and Vandejong. the image they selected, pictured above, is from my iconoclast series and is a photograph of my parents bed in rochester ny. read more about the book at FOAM's website HERE
19 July 2011
'i don't believe in the other world
but i don't believe in this world either
if it's not penetrated by light
i believe in the body of a woman
hit by a car on the street
i believe in bodies
stopped in a rush
in mid-gesture in reaching out
as if something long awaited
was just about to happen
as if in a minute
meaning was to raise up
its index finger
i believe in the blind eye
in the deaf ear
in the lame leg
in the wrinkle on the forehead
in the red flush on a cheek
i believe in bodies lying
in the trust of sleep
in the patience of old age
in the frailty of the unborn
i believe in a hair of the dead
left on a brown beret
i don't believe in this world
like a railway station in the morning
when all the trains have left
for the other world
the world is one
especially when it wakes up covered in
and god walks among the bushes
of animal and human dreams'
/ passage from 'the other world' by anna kamienska, polish poet/writer
16 July 2011
09 July 2011
07 July 2011
/ today is not a good day. everything feels hard and forced and i do not feel satisfied or happy or content in the slightest. i feel like i am crawling out of my skin and i feel alone. everything seems big and empty and i feel very sad and like i could cry at any moment. i do not like this overwhelming sensation that i am growing used to more and more rapidly. i need to get out..
03 July 2011

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